The Official ProSpanish Site

The Fastest Route to Conversational Spanish


Fluency Boosters

Anyone learning a language will have experienced the frustration of knowing what to say, but not being able to get the words out fast enough. The ProSpanish Fluency Booster trains your brain to deal with this problem. In less than 5 minutes per session!

It is also the quickest and most effective way to refresh the language what you have already learnt.

How does it work?

Think of it as exercising the brain to build up muscle memory. Your brain is not used to doing the acrobatics required to speak a new language, so these 2-5 minute work outs use the new language you have learnt to build up muscle memory.

Try it


ProSpanish Fluency Programme – $19.99

Level 4


ProSpanish Guarantee

You can see from our comments page the exceptionally high level of customer satisfaction that our product enjoys. However, if you are in any way dissatisfied with the course, we will provide a full and immediate refund – guaranteed.